Caffeine Whack tea 10 Decaf Coffee comparisons of How Much Caffeine is in Decaf Coffee

10 Decaf Coffee comparisons of How Much Caffeine is in Decaf Coffee

How Much Caffeine is in Decaf Coffee

Decaf coffee is a popular choice for those who don’t want the caffeine buzz of regular coffee, but just how much caffeine is in decaf coffee? We’ll take a look at the amount of caffeine in decaf coffee from popular brands like Starbucks, Dunkin’ Donuts, Folgers, and Newman’s Own.

Here are the 10 Best Decaf Coffee Brand Comparisons to see which is best for your health

let’s talk about these brands comperions one by one.

How Much Caffeine Is In A Cup Of Decaf Coffee?

Decaf coffee typically contains anywhere between 0-7 mg of caffeine per cup. That’s about 1/3 of the amount found in regular coffee (which has around 28-40 mg per cup). However, the actual amount can vary depending on the brand and type of decaf you choose. For instance, light roast coffees generally contain more caffeine than dark roast coffees.

How Much Caffeine Is In A Cup Of Decaf Coffee?

How Much Caffeine Is In Decaf Coffee Starbucks?

Starbucks’ Decaf Pike Place Roast contains about 15-20 mg of caffeine per 12 fl oz cup. Its decaf espresso shots have approximately 6 mg per 2 fl oz serving. Meanwhile, its Blonde Roast Decaf contains 10-15 mg of caffeine per 12 fl oz cup.

Check: Amount of Caffeine in White Tea

How Much Caffeine Is In Decaf Coffee Dunkin Donuts?

A 16 fl oz cup of Dunkin’ Donuts’ decaffeinated Original Blend coffee contains around 14-19 mg of caffeine. Its French Vanilla Swirl Iced Coffee (made with skim milk) and Mocha Swirl Iced Coffee (made with dairy) both contain 10-15 mg per 16 fl oz cup. Its Caramel Swirl Hot Latte and Hot Chocolate both have 10-15 mg per 16 fl oz serving as well.

How Much Caffeine In Folgers Decaf Coffee?

Folgers Classic Roast Instant Decaff coffee comes with 3 to 5mgs of caffeine in every 8 fluid ounces serving size while their Classic Roast Ground Coffees contain 9 to 12mgs of caffeine in every 8 fluid ounces serving size. Both these products are made up entirely of Mountain Grown Arabica Beans which provide a rich flavor profile even though they are decaffeinated products.

How Much Caffeine Is In Dunkin’ Decaf Coffee?

A small size (12fl Oz) hot or cold cup of Dunkin’ Donuts’ decaffeinated original blend contains 14–19mgs of caffeine while their Signature Lattes come with 10–15mgs of caffeine in every 16 fluid ounces serving size. Their Caramel Swirl Hot Latte also has 10–15mgs for each 16 fluid-ounce portion served as does their Hot Chocolate beverage option. How

Much Caffeine Is In Decaf Coffee Vs Regular?

As mentioned above, regular coffee usually contains 28-40 mg per cup while decaff coffee typically ranges from 0-7 mg per cup—making it far less caffeinated than its regular counterpart! This makes it an ideal choice for those looking to reduce their daily intake but still enjoy a delicious cup of joe!

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How Much Caffeine In 8 Oz Decaf Coffee?

The amount depends on the type and brand you purchase but generally speaking 8oz cups will contain anywhere between 0-14mgs depending on what you buy! So if you’re looking to keep your daily intake low then always double-check before indulging in your favorite brewed blend!

How Much Caffeine Is In Newman’s Own Decaf Coffee?

Newman’s own organic special blend ground decaf typically has 9 to 12mgs for each 8 fluid ounce portion served to make it an excellent choice for those wanting to keep their daily intake levels lower than normal yet still get that great taste that only comes from using high-quality beans!

How Much Caffeine In Dunkin Decaf Iced Coffee?

A small size (16fl Oz) cold brew containing dairy based creamer or skimmed milk will come with 10–15mgs for each serving making it a great way to cool down during those hot summer days without having too much stimulant content included!

How Much Caffeine Is In 12 Oz Of Decaf Coffee?

Generally speaking, 12oz cups will contain anywhere between 0–19mgs depending on what kind you purchase so if you’re looking to keep your daily intake low then definitely double check prior to indulging in your favorite brewed blend!

Best Decaf Coffee caffeine Brand Comparisons


Whether you prefer Starbucks or Dunkin’, Folgers or Newman’s Own, there are plenty of options when it comes to finding low-caffeinated varieties of delicious coffees available today! Always be sure to double check the label before indulging so that you can make sure you’re getting exactly what you need out of your morning brew—without any unwanted surprises along the way!

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Is it OK to drink decaf coffee all day?

Generally speaking, drinking decaf coffee all day is safe because it contains very low levels of caffeine. According to WebMD, the average 8 oz cup of decaffeinated coffee contains only 3 mg of caffeine while a regular cup can have as much as 95 mg. Therefore, if you switch completely to decaf you will be consuming significantly less caffeine and should not experience any side effects that could potentially be associated with high intake amounts.

Decaf coffee is generally considered to be safe during pregnancy, although it should still be consumed in moderation. The average cup of decaffeinated coffee still contains anywhere between 2-5mg of caffeine. It’s recommended that pregnant women consume no more than 200mg a day, so sticking to decaf and limiting your intake to one cup per day can help reduce any risk associated with excess caffeine consumption.
Decaf coffee is a healthier alternative to regular coffee because it has significantly lower levels of caffeine compared to its caffeinated counterpart. Depending on the type of decaffeination process used, studies show that even light-roasted decaf will contain only 2-12 mg of caffeine per 8 ounce cup, while regular coffee can have up to 92 mg per 8 ounce cup. Decaf is still a good source of antioxidants and other beneficial compounds found in unfiltered coffees such as cafestol and kahweol which are absent from filtered servings like espresso.
  1. Decaf coffee still contains some caffeine, usually around 3-12 mg of caffeine per cup depending on the preparation method.
  2. Drinking decaffeinated coffee removes many beneficial components, including minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants that you can get from regular coffee.
  3. Lastly, because of its milder flavor profile, some people find drinking decaf to be less satisfying than regular caffeinated coffee.

How many cups of decaf coffee a day?

The amount of caffeine in decaf coffee can vary greatly, depending on the type and brewing method used. Generally speaking, an 8-ounce cup of decaf brewed from ground beans contains between 2 to 12 milligrams of caffeine, while instant decaf generally has slightly less at around 1 to 8 milligrams. As a result, it is generally safe to drink up to 4 cups (32 ounces) of decaffeinated coffee per day without exceeding the FDA’s recommended daily limit of 400 milligrams of caffeine.

You can take but Decaf coffee is not completely free of caffeine, as it can contain up to 12-15 mg of caffeine per 8-ounce cup. If you’re sensitive to the effects of caffeine and want to avoid any potential changes in your sleep pattern, it’s probably best not to drink decaf close to bedtime. However, a small amount like this may be unlikely to cause any significant issues for most people.

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